Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 3 Road Trip - Team Total Fail

Another sleep in on this morning, the objective was Tourist activities but ended in Team Total Fail. After catching up with Bree's friend Lisa in Kelowna (where Allie affirmed that she had the flexibility to be a stripper), we headed to the Penticton Canal to do the float, with blind hope that it wouldn't be too cold and rainy. But it was. So we headed back to Kelowna, via Summerland to visit Amin's friend who works in the local bakery. She wasn't working in the afternoon but Sacha got a cheese roll. Hoping to stop off at some wineries on the way home, we made a team decision to surrender to our day of fail. Leaving the Okanagan wine and goat cheese behind, we organised to get both cars serviced before we hit the Rockies the next morning. $350 later, both cars were ready to take on Canada (and hot sauce).

As the night progressed so did our alcohol intake, which took us out on the town in Kelowna. Apparently Amin (aka Ian) is quite popular in downtown Kelowna and he bumped into another friend at the bar. Too many drinks later, at 3am, we were on our way home and Amin decided to push the girls into a bush and take photos (that's what she said). For security reasons we ran the rest of the way home, and made copious amounts of vegemite inventions and quesadillas. With Allie and Sach in bed for 7am departure, Bree and Amin stayed up until 5.30am making t-shirts for Sacha's gig that night.

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